About Us
Camacho Baseball Academy began it's journey 2013, We are located in San Cristobal Dominican Republic.
At Camacho Baseball Academy, kids are given the opportunity to learn and develop the skills they need to play baseball at a high level. Our staff works with players aged 5 and 19, helping each individual hone their understanding of the game as well as their technique and mechanics. At our academy, we don't just focus on baseball; we also work with these young athletes on ensuring their physical fitness so that when they do hit the field, they're properly prepared for success. By working hard, our players can even earn themselves a contract with Major League Baseball teams! Here at Camacho Baseball Academy, we are committed to providing each of our students with the resources and knowledge necessary for them to make their dreams come true.


Our Great Results
Our journey at Camacho Baseball Academy began February, 2013. On November, 2013 our 19 years old RHP Santiago Rodriguez signed with the Chicago Cubs.

Our Work
On April, 2014 our 18 years old 6'5" RHP Edwin Rojas signed with the Baltimore Orioles

Our Project
On late 20​14, Cam​acho Baseball Academy began a Project that we call it, Kid's Project. On July 2, 2017 Draft the Atlanta Braves signed our LHP 16 years old Edwin Jimenez.

Camacho Baseball Academy mission is called "Kid's Project". This is our 8 year old SS 2033 getting ready for his year to get sign to the MLB Draft on January 15, 2033
Our Goals
This is our 12 year old SS 2029 getting ready for his year to get sign to the MLB Draft on January 15, 2029

Our Kids
This is our 11 year old Outfielder 2030 getting ready for his year to get sign to the MLB Draft on January 15, 2030
Our Kids Project

This is our 11 year old Outfielder 2030. He came to us wanting to become a baseball player, this was his first day.
Look at him now 8 months later, what a difference our Outfielder working his balance & swing with Power Bat.
This is our 11 year old Outfielder 2030 getting ready for his year to get sign to the MLB Draft on January 15, 2030
Thanks for The Donation GLOMAR SPORTS
Camacho Baseball Academy wants to Thank GLOMAR SPORTS For the Donations of there Great Bats.

Giving Back
Camacho Baseball Academy gives back to schools in our area. If anyone wants to Give Back like we do please feel free to Donate with us & help make a difference. Thanks

Givi​ng Back
Camacho Baseball Academy gives back to the community by donating school supply, every year to kids in the school district in a small town nearby our Academy, in San Cristobal.